<% const ChannelID=4 Const ShowRunTime="Yes" MaxPerPage=cint(pro_pagenum) navstr=3 markImgs ="" if classid=64 then navstr= 4 markImgs ="" end if strFileName=Request.ServerVariables("Script_Name") & "?ClassID=" & ClassID & "&strField=" & strField & "&keyword=" & keyword Set rsPhoto= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rsPic= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") SkinID=0 if classid=0 then classname="全部产品" classword = SiteDesc ReadMes=pro_keywords eclassname= "Продукции" else classname=classname ReadMes=ReadMe classword=classword enclassname=UCase(enclassname) end if keysst=replace((ReadMes),",","_") if keyword<>"" then classname="产品搜索" eclassname="Продукции" end if %> <%=eclassname%>-<%=eSiteName%>


Текущее место: Главная >> <%=eClassName%>

<% If classid =64 Then %> <% if orderid=1 then sorder="desc" else sorder="asc" end if DIM honorArray(4) SQL="SELECT Photoid,PhotoUrl,PhotoUrl_Thumb,ePhotoName from photo where ePhotoName<>'' and classid="&classid&" and Passed=true and deleted=false order by OnTop,Elite,Sortid "&sorder&",PhotoID "&sorder Set rsRoot= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsRoot.open SQL,conn,1,1 totalput = rsRoot.recordcount nowcount = (currentPage - 1) * MaxPerPage shuliang = (totalput-nowcount) \ 4 i =0 if totalput=0 then response.Write("

Нет товаров

") else rsRoot.move nowcount while i < MaxPerPage and not rsRoot.eof j = i mod 4 honorArray(j)=gotTopic(rsRoot("ePhotoName"),25) if classid = 64 then html_url="/web1/"&rsRoot("PhotoUrl") '连接地址 else html_url=linkurl(rsRoot("Photoid"),1) '连接地址 end if if i mod 4 = 0 then s = i + 4 %> <% End If %> <% If i = s-1 or i=totalput-1 or i+1=totalput-nowcount Then %> <% If i+1> (shuliang * 4) Then %> <% for d= 0 to 3 -1- j %> <% Next %> <% End If %> <% End If %> <% If i = s-1 or i=totalput-1 or i+1=totalput-nowcount Then %> <% for z=0 to j %> <% Next %> <% If i+1> (shuliang * 4) Then %> <% for d= 0 to 3 -1- j %> <% Next %> <% End If %> <% End If %> <% rsRoot.movenext i= i+1 wend rsRoot.close set rsRoot=nothing end if %>
" alt="<%=gotTopic(rsRoot("ePhotoName"),25) %>" />
<%= honorArray(z) %>
<% Else %> <% dim sqlRoot,rsRootx,trs,arrClassID,TitleStr sqlRoot="select C.ClassID,C.ClassName,C.RootID,L.LayoutFileName,L.LayoutID,C.Child,C.ParentPath From PhotoClass C inner join Layout L on C.LayoutID=L.LayoutID where (C.ParentID=" & ClassID & " or C.ParentPath='" & ParentPath & "," & ClassID & "' or C.ParentPath like '%" & ParentPath & "," & ClassID & "," &"%') and C.IsElite=True and C.LinkUrl='' and C.BrowsePurview>=" & UserLevel & " order by C.OrderID" Set rsRootx= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsRootx.open sqlRoot,conn,1,1 arrClassID=ClassID do while not rsRootx.eof arrClassID=arrClassID & "," & rsRootx(0) rsRootx.movenext loop rsRootx.close sqlRoot="select C.ClassID,C.ClassName,C.RootID,C.Child,C.ParentPath From PhotoClass C where C.classid<>64 and C.ParentID in (" & arrClassID & ") order by C.OrderID" rsRootx.open sqlRoot,conn,1,1 arrClassID=ClassID do while not rsRootx.eof arrClassID=arrClassID & "," & rsRootx(0) rsRootx.movenext loop rsRootx.close set rsRootx=nothing %> <%call ShowPhoto(64,arrClassID,0,4,True,false,false,152,114,3)%>
<%end if %>
<%if(totalput > MaxPerPage) then %>
<% call showpage_before_e(strFileName,totalput,MaxPerPage,false,true,"") %>
<% end if %>
<% If classid =30 Then %> <% End If %>